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Ultramar Gas and Carwash Services

Illustrated vehicle with UltraMax Logo. Text that reads available in ALL our gasoline grades! Including Supreme.



Person driving car into the sunset.

A Smoother Drive? A Superior Drive? Yes.

UltraMax helps improve the performance of your vehicle while increasing the cleanliness of your engine parts. It's been formulated and rigorously tested to perform in Canada's harshest conditions.

Cleaner engine. Better performance.

  • White vehicle driving on road next to hill.

    Not surprisingly, cleaner engines result in better fuel economy. This helps take you further on a single tank of gas.

Car Wash

Get brilliant results wherever you go.

Single Wash Options.
Wash & Rinse
  • Presoak

  • High pressure rinse

  • Rapid dry


Top to Bottom
  • Underbody wash

  • And everything in the Wash & Rinse


Absolutely Everything
  • Reflections with ceramics

  • Triple foam polish

  • Rust Inhibitor

  • And everything in the Top to Bottom


Smart Buys

1. Five & Drive: Bundle five Absolutely Everything washes for a powerful discount

2. Daily Wash (30 days): One Absolutely Everything wash for 30 days

3. Daily Wash (90 days): One Absolutely Everything wash for 90 days

Find a Car Wash

Keep your car looking its cleanest with a car wash, find a location nearest you.

Propane, thanks. (That's tanks with an h.)

Whether you need to fill your propane tank or need to get a new propane tank, we've got you (and your barbecue needs) covered.

Propane cannister sitting in front of BBQ.